C14N 1.1 comment on xml:base fixup wording and example

Thomas et al.,

you sent a comment to the C14N 1.1 comment list that 
included the following issue:

The normative text on fix-up for the xml:base attribute 
that is specified in section 2.4 is correct (but in need 
of clarification), and that the example provided in the 
specification is incorrect.

The XML Core WG has taken the suggested rewording to address 
the needed clarification and we have corrected the example 
as suggested.

For the purposes of the Disposition of Comments, do you accept
this resolution of your comment?

Please reply to the www-xml-canonicalization-comments@w3.org
as soon as feasible so that we can complete our DoC.



Paul Grosso for the XML Core WG

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2007 20:04:19 UTC