- From: Innovimax SARL <innovimax@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 12:52:45 +0200
- To: public-xmlperf@w3.org
First let me thanks everyone to have join this XML Performance initiative The goal is to : 1) get maximum feedbacks on use cases where we each know that XML can perform well (vis à vis other technologies) 2) develop some way to allow average user to try by themselves and see how it performs 3) in the same spirit as Web Performance working group, trying to identify various measure that a user may be interested to measure in order to compare tools. The goal here is not to go into the fight, my product is better than yours, but in the way here are the tools to measure and see if my product performs well for you use case (in order to be able to fix it if necessary) But first of all, I will propose to each of you to present her/himself Thanks to all and welcome again to newcomers Mohamed -- Innovimax SARL Consulting, Training & XML Development 9, impasse des Orteaux 75020 Paris Tel : +33 9 52 475787 Fax : +33 1 4356 1746 http://www.innovimax.fr RCS Paris 488.018.631 SARL au capital de 10.000 €
Received on Sunday, 25 September 2011 10:53:23 UTC