FW: Open systems / Freedom ( was RE: The Web as an Application)

 Copying the list, which was inadvertently left out.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rushforth, Peter 
> Sent: September 20, 2013 07:59
> To: 'David Carlisle'
> Subject: RE: Open systems / Freedom ( was RE: The Web as an 
> Application)
> (other than the fact that you don't have to declare 
> > xmlns:xml=....)
> > 
> It is that feature which makes it the only straightforward 
> namespace to use.
> The "schema" of "application/xml" or "text/xml" [1] is 
> provided by reference to the xml spec, and essentially 
> include elements (with their angle brackets), attributes 
> (with their quotes) and the xml: namespace.  The fact that 
> XML processors do not balk and namespace-ill formed xml: 
> namespace (don't see documents with no xmlns:xml="..." as 
> ill-formed) is a key feature which could make XML useful as 
> part of the web.  Nor do they balk at adding 
> @xml:wibble="...", because the "schema" of that namespace is 
> "must ignore".
> It could have been declared that anything not a member of 
> this set of names is bad XML, but it was not, because it is 
> recognised by that spec that changes can happen, and all 
> older XML processors out there would be reporting the new 
> content as errors.
> So if change can happen, it can happen via community.  And this is it.
> We seem to be off list at the moment, your call if you want 
> to go back on.
> Peter
> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-appsawg-xml-mediatypes-02

Received on Monday, 23 September 2013 13:22:26 UTC