[Forgive me if this sounds rather ignorant.]
Would an alternative be to standardize a convention? E.g.
that for every (RESTful) XML document on the Web at URL
there may be a corresponding document containing its links
Then the standard convention might specify a format for the links
e.g. the Atom Link Model, say.
Or is that too far short of what is needed by way of hypermedia
for XML?
Stephen D Green
On 11 June 2013 02:02, Rushforth, Peter
> Hi,
> According to the XML data model, is it conceivable that the document node
> (not the root element)
> be deemed to carry virtual, hard coded attributes?
> In other words, could a media type definition say that the document node
> of this media type has
> these fixed attribute values?
> http://www.w3.org/community/xmlhypermedia/wiki/NeoXML
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Peter