Re: use cases

On 20/08/2012 11:04, Rushforth, Peter wrote:
> David,
> I will review the example.  What the namespaces file in my example is
> supposed to do is assign un-prefixed instances of
> href,src,type,rel,hreflang,method and tref to the xml namespace,_as
> if they were in that namespace_, ahem, so that their semantics are
> defined by documentation found at that URI, as well as the
> unobtrusive namespaces file also found at that URI.
> If that didn't come through, I will clean it up.
> Peter

It was clear that that was the intention. My point was that is going
beyond Liam's proposal (which was a way of avoiding explicitly declaring
namespaces) to declaring documents that can not be constructed using
standard xml+namespace parsing. In the standard xml namespace model (and
the XDM model used by XSLT/XPath/Xquery) you can have have unprefixed
element names in a namespace, but you can not have unprefixed attribute
names in a namespace.

If you are defining an XML-variant that is not necessarily bad but it
needs to be highlighted more strongly, and there would have to be a lot
of extra specification saying what to do with such things. For example
an XSLT identity transformation would not be able to serialise the
document as XML 1.0 so the relevent specifications would need extending.
(Or alternatively the neo-xml parser would need to be specified to 
construct attribute names including the xml prefix, not just in the xml 


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Received on Monday, 20 August 2012 10:31:53 UTC