Guide to Versioning XML Languages using XML Schema 1.1 - W3C Working Draft 28 September 2006 - Typo

In Section 2, following Example 4, is a paragraph with the word "valid" in 
the last sentence.  I believe this should be "validate".

The correct sentence would then read "However, Schema 1.1 has partially 
reduced the UPA constraints such that the following is now legal, and it 
will validate the previous 2 instances:".

   - Sid

Sid Sidner
Master Engineer
ACI Worldwide, 330 South 108th Avenue, Omaha, NE, 68154-2684, USA
Phone: 1-402-778-1851, Fax: 1-402-330-1528, Mobile: 1-402-650-1979
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Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2006 04:07:51 UTC