Re: Test xmlconf/xmltest/not-wf/sa/128.xml

Thank you! I will forward this response.

Sandra At 04:18 PM 6/8/2004 +0100, Richard Tobin wrote:
> >   It looks like Graham is right. The intention of the test was to test
> > invalid CDATA syntax and in not really doing that. CDATA is not even
> > included a part o the content model description given in the
> > specification.  Can some address this issue?
>The test is:
>  <!DOCTYPE doc [
>  ]>
>  <doc></doc>
>This was allowed in SGML and declared that the element had CDATA content.
>It is a syntax error in XML.
>Don't confuse it with
>  <!ELEMENT doc (CDATA)>
>which would declare doc to contain an element called "CDATA".
>There is nothing wrong with the test, though the description doesn't
>explain the motivation to people who don't remember SGML.
>-- Richard

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2004 11:58:38 UTC