[public-xml-testsuite] <none>

hi, i'm using XML W3C Conformance Test Suite, 10 December 2003
to help me understand XML 1.1 Specification, 04 February 2004.

1. can i have examples of violation of 
   VC Standalone Document Declaration for markup-declaration
   which occurs in parameter-entities (internal and external) ?
   So far I've found from this test suite, there are only examples for 
   markup-declarations which occurs in external-subset.
2. WFC Entity Declared states that
   "In a document without any DTD, a document with only an internal DTD subset   
    which contains no parameter entity references, or a document 
    with "standalone='yes'", for an entity reference that does not occur within 
    the external subset or a parameter entity,  the Name given in the entity  
    reference MUST match that in an entity declaration that does not occur within 
    the external subset or a parameter entity."
    Violation of this WFC occurs when standalone="yes" and :   
   - there exists an entity-reference in document-content 
     or in internal subset, and
   - that entity is declared in external subset or 
     in parameter entity
   Can i have examples of violation of this WFC
   for an entity which is declared in parameter entity 
   ( internal/external ) ?
   So far i've found from this suite, there are only examples
   for the entity which is declared in external subset.

many thanks,

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Received on Thursday, 12 August 2004 10:35:00 UTC