Re: [public-xml-testsuite] <none>


At 11:43 AM 9/26/2003 -0500, Glenn Marcy wrote:

>I have found some problems with the test suite in CVS.
>These problems fall into two categories.  First, some of the tests
>that reference external parameter entities (or the external DTD
>subset) do not indicate so in their description.  Second, there
>are several tests that use either US-ASCII or ISO-8859-1 encodings
>which are not required by minimally conforming processors.  In all
>but one case this only required changing the encoding declaration
>to UTF-8.  I have included a copy of the entire file for the one
>case where the data had to be reencoded in UTF-8 from ISO-8859-1.
>It would be great if you could pick these changes up so that I
>can resume testing with an official unmodified version of the
>test suite and no longer need maintain these changes locally.
>Best Regards,
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/ibm_oasis_not-wf.xml xmlconf_old/ibm/ibm_oasis_not-wf.xml
>< <TEST URI="not-wf/P28a/ibm28an01.xml" TYPE="not-wf" 
>ID="ibm-not-wf-P28a-ibm28an01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.8">
> > <TEST URI="not-wf/P28a/ibm28an01.xml" TYPE="not-wf" 
> ID="ibm-not-wf-P28a-ibm28an01.xml" ENTITIES="parameter" SECTIONS="2.8">
><   <TEST URI="not-wf/P62/ibm62n02.xml" TYPE="not-wf" 
>ID="ibm-not-wf-P62-ibm62n02.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="3.4">
> >   <TEST URI="not-wf/P62/ibm62n02.xml" TYPE="not-wf" 
> ID="ibm-not-wf-P62-ibm62n02.xml" ENTITIES="parameter" SECTIONS="3..4">
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/not-wf/P13/ibm13n03.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
><         <!ENTITY info PUBLIC "This is a test á " "student.dtd">
> >         <!ENTITY info PUBLIC "This is a test á " "student.dtd">
>< <!-- testing invalid pubid char with á  -->
> > <!-- testing invalid pubid char with á  -->
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/not-wf/P13/student.dtd 
>< <?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
> > <?xml encoding="utf-8"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/not-wf/p28a/ibm28an01.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P01/ibm01v01.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" standalone="yes" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P09/student.dtd 
>< <?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
> > <?xml encoding="utf-8"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P11/student.dtd 
>< <?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
> > <?xml encoding="utf-8"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P12/student.dtd 
>< <?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
> > <?xml encoding="utf-8"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P13/student.dtd 
>< <?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
> > <?xml encoding="utf-8"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P22/ibm22v01.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P22/ibm22v05.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P22/ibm22v06.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P22/ibm22v07.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P28/ibm28v02.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P29/ibm29v01.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/ibm/valid/P29/ibm29v02.xml 
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>diff -r xmlconf/sun/not-wf/decl01.ent xmlconf_old/sun/not-wf/decl01.ent
>< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
>diff -r xmlconf/sun/sun-not-wf.xml xmlconf_old/sun/sun-not-wf.xml
>< <TEST URI="not-wf/cond01.xml" ID="cond01" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="3.4 
> > <TEST URI="not-wf/cond01.xml" ID="cond01" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="3.4 
> [61]"
> >     ENTITIES="parameter">
>< <TEST URI="not-wf/cond02.xml" ID="cond02" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="3.4 
> > <TEST URI="not-wf/cond02.xml" ID="cond02" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="3.4 
> [61]"
> >     ENTITIES="parameter">
>< <TEST URI="not-wf/dtd07.xml" ID="dtd07" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="4.3.1 
> > <TEST URI="not-wf/dtd07.xml" ID="dtd07" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="4.3.1 
> [77]"
> >     ENTITIES="parameter">
>< <TEST URI="not-wf/encoding07.xml" ID="encoding07" TYPE="not-wf" 
>SECTIONS="4.3.1 [77]">
> > <TEST URI="not-wf/encoding07.xml" ID="encoding07" TYPE="not-wf" 
> SECTIONS="4.3.1 [77]"
> >     ENTITIES="parameter">

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2003 15:59:01 UTC