Re: More test suite problems

I will take care of the first one.


At 11:04 AM 5/23/2002 -0400, Glenn Marcy wrote:

>We still have the following problems...
>ibm/not-wf/P32/ibm32n09.xml still says:
>   <!DOCTYPE animal SYSTEM "ibm32i09.dtd" [
>but it needs to say:
>   <!DOCTYPE animal SYSTEM "ibm32n09.dtd" [
>There is also the following problem discovered by the Xerces
>parser that I am not sure how to solve.
>Output Tests:
>Xerces resolves and returns the complete path of systemIds for
>notation decls, where as the actual outputs do not and can not
>contain complete resolved paths for systemIds.  Xerces appears
>to behave in accordance with the SAX API...
>     notationDecl
>     .....
>     If a system identifier is present, and it is a URL, the
>     SAX parser must resolve it fully before passing it to the
>     application through this event.
>I am not sure what we can do at this point to support expected
>results files for documents that have absolute path names in
>their infoset.
>Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for how this
>issue can be addressed?  Otherwise, I think that we would need
>to remove the expected results files for these tests.

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 11:15:17 UTC