Re: some questions about version information in the test suite

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C. M. Sperberg-McQueen writes:

> The test suite schema seems to have several attributes for dealing
> with different versions of the schema language:
>   - the schemaVersion attribute on ts:testSuite
>   - the version and edition attributes on schemaTest and instanceTest
>   - the version and edition attributes on expected
> Q1 What do they mean, and what is the relation among them?
> The documentation in the test suite schema describes the
> version attribute on schemaTest and instanceTest as indicating
> that a particular test "applies to" particular versions
> only.  I think I see what it means for an instance test to
> be applicable only to a particular version of XSD -- if the
> relevant schema is not legal in 1.0, the instance test is
> meaningless for a 1.0 processor.   But what does it mean for
> a schema test to be applicable only to certain versions of
> the language?

It means that the expected result is only correct per that/those
stated version/edition(s).  For example,

<testGroup name="particlesZ026">
 <schemaTest version="1.0" implDe="true" name="particlesZ026">
  <schemaDocument xlink:href="../msData/particles/particlesZ026a.xsd"/>
  <schemaDocument xlink:href="../msData/particles/particlesZ026b.xsd"/>
  <expected validity="valid"/>
. . .

<testGroup name="particlesZ026a">
 <schemaTest version="1.1" name="particlesZ026">
  <schemaDocument xlink:href="../msData/particles/particlesZ026a.xsd"/>
  <schemaDocument xlink:href="../msData/particles/particlesZ026b.xsd"/>
  <expected validity="invalid"/>

means that the WG decided that per 1.0, the author's stated 'validity="valid"'
was implementation-dependent (because of a lack of clarity in the
spec.), but that per 1.1 the expectation of 'validity="invalid"' was

I think this example (or see the resolution of bug 4078, testGroups
addB156 and addB156a in msMeta/Additional_w3c.xml for a parallel
instanceTest example) illustrates my answer to your larger "Why did
you do it this way" question -- since the resolution of many bugs
seemed to be going to be "label this one 1.0, and make a copy and
label it 1.1, with changes as follows", that putting the version and
edition attr. on the {schema,instance}Test element would support that

It was also then straightforward to update my test harness to run only
e.g. 1.0 non-implDe tests, or to find all implDe 1.1 tests.

Hope this helps,

- -- 
       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
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Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 16:17:36 UTC