xsts-2002-01-16 - msxsdtest - simpleType - errors


potential errors in the TS xsts-2002-01-16 - msxsdtest:

Section: simpleType

stA003, stC007, stD003, stE003 - all schemata - expected: invalid
  result: valid
  reason: Duplicate IDs in separated schema documents are not
          violating the ID constraint.
stC003 - schema - expected: valid
  result: invalid
  reason: A simpleType tries to restrict the type 'xs:anyType'. 
          "simple type 'fooType': The base type
          '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType' is not a
          simple type."
Would be happy to see those removed or fixed.



Received on Thursday, 2 June 2005 10:55:04 UTC