Re: Moving away from an expression language

These are interesting ideas though after thinking about it for a few
days I am less sure about how we would spec this and what it gives our

I think we both agree that getting rid of the expr language does not
get rid of the need for choose/if switching.

I would prefer simple eg. steps to evaluate expressions.




I think that just means (in pseudocode) supporting if/choose.

else if($condition)


when(true) then
when(false) then
default then

and define active expr language as some kind of defaulted to xpath
option which means its not dynamic (I think its a distraction to try
and make it dynamic).

make sense ? J

On 13 February 2016 at 15:25, Alex Miłowski <> wrote:
> I've been thinking about this more and removing the expression
> language complicates the simple cases far too much.  Yet, I really
> don't want to require embedding XPath for environments where there is
> no need for it.  Meanwhile, it those environments, the expression
> language might be something else (e.g., a chunk of JavaScript).
> We can still conceptualize an expression as something like step that
> acts on inputs and produces outputs.  In all our uses, the results of
> expressions have contextual uses (e.g., controlling the flo via a
> conditional).
> First, let's observe that in scripting languages, it is common to
> evaluate expressions with some syntax or function call.  We can
> certainly choose to evaluate expressions as step invocations where the
> step is passed the script as a parameter:
>   eval("xs:decimal($1/*/@version) < 2.0")
> We can shorten this by a specialized syntax:
>   (`xs:decimal($1/*/@version) < 2.0`)
> and then we need to define the parameters:
>   [$x as document-node()](`xs:decimal($x/*/@version) < 2.0`)
> Now, it a JavaScript, that might be:
>   [$x as document-node()](`parseFloat(x.documentElement.getAttribute("version"))<2.0`)
> Finally, we need a declaration that indicates the scripting language used:
>   declare default script "text/javascript";
> I'm not sure it is a good idea to mix scripting languages.  We may
> want to allow that for extensibility.
> So, our example 3 becomes:
> xproc version = "2.0";
> declare default script "application/xquery";
> inputs $source as document-node();
> outputs $result as document-node();
> $source → { if ([$x as document-node](`xs:int($x/*/@version) < 2.0`)($source))
>                      then [$source,"v1schema.xsd"] →
> validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ $result
>                     else [$source,"v2schema.xsd"] →
> validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ $result
>                   }
>              → [$1,"stylesheet.xsl"] → xslt() ≫ $result
> That syntax might be more verbose when used inline but if we allowed
> the current in-scope output ports by default:
> $source → { if ((`xs:int($source/*/@version) < 2.0`))
>                      then [$source,"v1schema.xsd"] →
> validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ $result
>                     else [$source,"v2schema.xsd"] →
> validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ $result
>                   }
>              → [$1,"stylesheet.xsl"] → xslt() ≫ $result
> Because we have flow declarations, you can package scripts without a
> step declaration:
> declare flow check-version()
>   inputs $source as document-node()
>  outputs $result as xs:boolean
> {
>    if ((`xs:int($source/*/@version) < 2.0`))
>    then true ≫ $result
>    else false ≫ $result
> }
> assuming we have a way for atomic values to be literals (e.g. a boolean value).
> Finally, it would be nice to be able to write this:
> declare flow check-version()
>   inputs $source as document-node()
>  outputs $result as xs:boolean
> {
>    (`xs:int($source/*/@version) < 2.0`) ≫ $result
> }
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Alex Miłowski <> wrote:
>> One of the risks we have is that the use of XPath as an expression
>> language makes XProc difficult for non-XML environments where no such
>> implementation exists.
>> We have several uses of XPath:
>> 1. Projections (e.g., $in//section)
>> 2. replace ($in//section) { ...}
>> 3. variables
>> 4. conditionals
>> For (1) we make projects a step specific to the data format.
>> For (2) ... not sure.
>> For (3): variables are output port variables and we dump let.  You
>> need to use a step to do manipulations.  We need to make embedding
>> steps or mapping them to implementations possible.
>> For (4):
>> I think we can get rid of the expression language by enhancing the
>> step description so the expressions can be put into a step as its
>> implementation and the step gets used in a flow.
>> So, we currently have this:
>> if (xs:decimal($1/*/@version) < 2.0)
>> then [$1,"v1schema.xsd"] → validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ @1
>> else [$1,"v2schema.xsd"] → validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ @1
>> we would now have:
>> step check-version1()
>>     inputs $source as document-node()
>>   outputs $result as xs:boolean
>>   from "my:check-version1" in "script.xq";
>> $1 → check-version1() ≫ $isv1
>> if ($isv1)
>> then [$1,"v1schema.xsd"] → validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ @1
>> else [$1,"v2schema.xsd"] → validate-with-xml-schema() ≫ @1
>> and "script.xq" is:
>> function my:check-version1($source) as xs:boolean
>> {
>>    return xs:decimal($1/*/@version) < 2.0 d
>> }
>> Now, this is now two files instead of one.  We can fix this by
>> allowing embedding of the script.  It is unclear how the parsing would
>> work:
>> step check-version1()
>>     inputs $source as document-node()
>>   outputs $result as xs:boolean
>>   script "application/xquery"
>> {
>>    return xs:decimal($1/*/@version) < 2.0 d
>> }
>> Also, when there is more than one output port, the return will be more
>> complicated and need to be a map.  In other languages, it will be a
>> similar construct.
>> We probably want simple literal comparisons to enable steps to return
>> emulated values that then control which flow is executed.
>> --
>> --Alex Miłowski
>> "The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
>> inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language
>> considered."
>> Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics
> --
> --Alex Miłowski
> "The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
> inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language
> considered."
> Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 21:44:19 UTC