Re: XProc f2f Logistics, 10 Feb 2016

Jirka Kosek <> writes:
> Logistic page I have sent to Norm was for XSLT WG meeting. The room is
> same for both meetings, but dates are different -- feel free to adjust
> wording here if you think it can create confusion, I suppose I don't
> have write access to this part of CVS tree.

Fixed. Apologies for the oversight. I *did* remember to s/XSLT/XProc/! :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everyone has talent. What is rare is            | the courage to follow the talent to the
                              | dark place where it leads.--Erica Jong

Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2016 21:58:12 UTC