Re: XProc f2f Logistics, 10 Feb 2016

On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 13:06 -0600, Norman Walsh wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The ever attentive Jirka has kindly provided a logistics page

Norm - please review draft below - thanks!

Awesome, thanks Jirka!

I propose making some last-minute announcements on xml-dev; where else?
Once there's an archived announcement for the public day somewhere, W3C
can tweet about it. Right now it's sort of a stealth event :D

The logistics page says the XProc meetings are happening after XML
Prague. For my part I thought they were happening before XML Prague.
I've gone with the conference schedule for the announcement drafted
here. I'll be arriving on Monday before the conference and leaving on
the Tuesday after (so as to overlap with XSLT a little)


Here is a draft:


Public meeting: How to Make XProc 2 Easier For Mortals
11th Febrary 2016, Prague

The XML Processing Working Group at W3C has been working on Version Two
of he XProc pipeline language.

Version one is moderately powerful and the pipelines run quickly,
running multiple things without having to save XML out to disk and load
it back again. An example might:
    1. validate input against a particular schema;
    2. use XSLT to merge input with previous report summary to include
       running totals and zero totals for missing items
    3. run XSLT to make a sequence of small documents one per customer
    4. use XQuery on each document to populate customer information
    5. use XSLT on the result to turn each small document into an
       monthly invoice in XSL-FO
    6. run XSL-FO on the invoices
    7. save a copy of each invoice & print it

Unfortunately XProc 1 is difficult to work with and hard to learn.

Although it seemed natural to use an XML syntax at the time and
although the actual syntax seemed reasonable, it's very cumbersome in

So the Working Group is considering a non-XML syntax inspired by (or
possibly even directly based on) XQuery 3. We're holding a public
meeting in Prague, associated with, to discuss this.

So if you have experience using XProc, or if you have ended up using
XQuery, make, or shell scripts, instead of XProc after looking at
XProc, we'd like to hear from you. It's fine just to turn up on the

Liam Quin,
staff contact, W3C XML Processing Working Group


Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2016 21:43:33 UTC