Re: "flowchart" branch (Henry S. Thompson) writes:
> Two small questions:
>  1) "It is a static error (err:XS1008) if the content type value
>     specifies a character set and the encoding attribute is absent."
>     Presumably this is because with no encoding, the byte-content will
>     _already_ have been decoded using the document encoding.

Right. If you didn't encode it, the bytes are already characters in
the pipeline document.

>  2) Do we need an error for the *must* in new list item 2?

I don't think so. If it's not XML, it won't have been successfully
parsed. Maybe it shouldn't be a MUST maybe it should just read
"If no encoding is specified, the content will have been interpreted
as XML when the pipeline was loaded." Or something.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Birds are taken with pipes that imitate            | their own voices, and men with those
                              | sayings that are most agreeable to
                              | their own opinions.--Samuel Butler

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 16:41:38 UTC