Re: XProc telcon canceled: 21 May 2014

Liam R E Quin <> writes:
> Funnily enough if you check your AC mail (are you the AC rep?) you'll
> see the charter is currently being reviewed by the Advisory Committee.

Apologies. I should have checked first. I've now voted to approve
the charter!

> I'm in CSS F2F meetings this week in Korea (I'm at home, but this means
> the meetings go from 8pm to 4am) so it happened while I slept, awesome!

Meaning you stayed awake from 8pm to 4am, not so awesome! :-)

> Anyone who sees this, please get your AC rep to vote on the charter.

Yes, please!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Vision is the art of seeing things            | invisible.-- Swift

Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 01:25:24 UTC