XPP and Rechartering

Hi folks,

As it comes time to consider rechartering, I think we need to face the
fact that the WG has, by and large, lost the will to push XPP forward.
I propose that we do not want it in our next charter. In fact, if I'm
perfectly honest, I propose that we abandon it now:

* The original intent was that we'd define *the* XML processing model.
  I think we've clearly shown that there is no "the" model, there are a
  space of possibilities.

* Further, I think our experience with getting the document published
  demonstrates that there is not even consensus within the community
  about the right way to characterize that space or even by what

* I don't think one can argue persuasively that the document will have
  more value as a Recommendation than it will as a Note. And we can
  publish it as a Note today.

* It has been overtaken by events. Today, anyone designing an API for
  which this document would provide useful guidance is vastly more
  likely to use JSON than XML. Any API with enough complexity to make
  XML the likely choice is probably going to wrestle with issues that
  this document doesn't address.

* I believe our staff contact would support a motion to abandon it
  as a Recommendation track requirement.

It's a dead horse, can we please stop beating it now?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 21:58:40 UTC