Proposed resolution for bug 21001

Bug 21001 observes that it is not always possible to detect statically
that a required option is missing:

I propose the following resolution:

In 5.7.2 p:option, replace the first paragraph after the first
p:option syntax diagram with:

  An option may be declared as required. If an option is required, it
  is an error to invoke that step without specifying a value for that
  option. For steps invoked within a pipeline, it is a static error
  (err:XS0018) to specify an invocation without specifying a value for
  a requried option. For pipelines invoked directly by an external
  environment (informally, top-level pipelines), this error cannot be
  detected statically. It is a dymamic error (err:XD????) to invoke
  a pipeline without specifying a value for a required option.


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2014 15:35:03 UTC