No more automagic inheritance

I wonder if automagic inheritance of parameters is really too
expensive (in terms of language complexity) to justify.

If someone gives you this shell script:


You can't pass parameters to 'ls' when you run it. You have to modify
the script:

  ls "$@"

Perhaps if someone gives you this pipeline


we should just accept that you can't pass parameters to the p:xslt step
unless you modify the pipeline:

    <p:xslt parameters="{$parameters}"/>

I don't know. Alternatively, I guess we could say that the set of parameters
passed to a step that has an undeclared parameters binding is implementation

The implementors could invent mechanisms for passing them in.

  calabash ... -p p:xslt/$initial-mode=fred

I don't know.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Friday, 14 September 2012 20:30:58 UTC