V.next: resource manager

Here's a big one to chew on.

Suppose http://example.com/doc.xml contains:


And consider this pipeline fragment:

  <p:delete match="a">
    <p:input port="source">
      <p:document href="http://example.com/doc.xml"/>


    <p:input port="source">
          <xi:include href="http://example.com/doc.xml"/>

Assume for the moment that the p:delete step runs to completion before
the p:xinclude step starts.

Which document does the p:xinclude step produce?




I think the latter is the more useful, if perhaps more surprising, result.

Discuss. :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 413 624 6676

Received on Thursday, 5 January 2012 14:16:38 UTC