Re: Revisiting "fixing parameters"

James Fuller <> writes:
> I remember dimly of us conversing to retain the p:with-param (versus
> lets say overloading p:with-option) but any chance of re-summarizing
> … its probably related to something to do with the step signature but
> as we have parameter="true" on p:option was wondering if there is a
> further opportunity to simplify things.

I think we decided to retain with-param so that this would still be OK:

    <p:with-param name="page-size" select="'A4'"/>
    <p:with-param name="output-format" select="'pdf'"/>

We could do away with with-param, but then you'd have to write

    <p:with-option name="parameters" select="map{'page-size':='A4',

which seems rather burdensome. There are some subtleties related to
mixing the two forms, and I don't recall exactly how we resolved
those, or if we got down to that level of detail.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 17:09:23 UTC