RE: Possible new XProc 1.1 step: p:template

> From the examples above, I don't see if p:template would be a step or
> binding. (I expect it to be a step, but I don't see an input port.)
> Personally, I think that making it a step would be more flexible
> you could then, for instance, use other steps to dynamically construct
> the "template XML document" and then pass it to p:template.

I actually think that adding a p:template-like step to the EXProc
library would be a good idea for now. It would both fill in the gap in
the functionality before XProc 1.1 comes out, and it would also give us
more feeling/user experience for deciding what exactly we want in 1.1.


Vojtech Toman
Consultant Software Engineer
EMC | Information Intelligence Group

Received on Thursday, 12 August 2010 17:01:23 UTC