- From: murray <murray@muzmo.com>
- Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 12:08:39 -0800
- To: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>,public-xml-processing-model-wg@w3.org
HI, I know that I have not participated in a while, and that I am not au courant with XML processors. Even so, I hope that you will accept my comments about the draft that Norm and Henry have put forward. I was hoping for a bit more. I expected a pipeline that prescribed an order for a core set of XML processors, starting with well-formed xml processing and followed by (in some order) GRDDL interpretation, entity expansion, id validation, xml validation, namespace management, xinclude expansion, schemata validation and so on. I expected to have a model that prescribed or described when and where decryption and digital signature processing occur. I expected that for each step, the spec would provide reasoning for the position in the order as relates to building the infoset. I expected the pipeline, or library of pipelines, to provide for the ability to snif a document to determine whether it is eligible for processing, either by way of processing instructions a la XSLT, or through well-understood info items such as the GRDDL signature. I apologize for not always using the correct vocabulary, but I think that most of you understand what I am suggesting. I could understand if you told me that the resources are not available to do this for V1. But, conceptually, are my expectations too great? Regards, Murray P.S. I may be mistaken, but I think that the requirement to expand all XIncludes and to read all external markup declarations may be in conflict with GRDDL. Please note that I never agreed with GRDDL on this point, but I am still obliged to point out the conflict. There are at least two schools of thought on entity/xinclude expansion and I think that the XML Processing Model needs to be able to express those approaches as branches in the pipeline. Comparing the results of the branches is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
Received on Friday, 9 April 2010 20:00:58 UTC