Re: Optional options w/o defaults on built-in steps (Henry S. Thompson) writes:

> Yes -- the defaults could be described in section 7.3, although for
> the cases where I suggest new select='...', that will have to go into
> pipeline-library.xml repeatedly (or you could define some
> entities. . .).

I don't mind repeating the select='' defaults, but I got the impression
a fair bit of prose was required for some. I'll look in more detail upon
my return.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A man may by custom fortify himself            | against pain, shame, and suchlike
                              | accidents; but as to death, we can
                              | experience it but once, and are all
                              | apprentices when we come to it.--
                              | Montaigne

Received on Friday, 5 September 2008 13:30:40 UTC