Re: Mutually recursive calling

"Innovimax SARL" <> writes:

> Not sure why, but it is hard to find evidence in the spec that the following
> sample should work (albeit I *do* want to see it work !)

Section 3.2 says, in part, the "step types visible in a pipeline or
library are ... for a pipeline in a library, the types visible in the
containing library."

From that, I think it follows that if you put both of these steps in a
library, then they would be visible to each other. It's not clear if
they're visible to each other in a p:pipeline, but I expect they
should be.

(But don't hold your breath for Calabash support :-(; my current
loader is a one-pass process and you can't make this work with a
one-pass loader.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A toy car is a projection of a real            | car, made small enough for a child's
                              | hand and imagination to grasp. A real
                              | car is a projection of a toy car, made
                              | large enough for an adult's hand and
                              | imagination to grasp.--Michael Frayn

Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 17:44:50 UTC