Re: Extensibility questions

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / "Innovimax SARL" <> was heard to say:
> | Sorry, I wasn't clear on my goal
>  No, I understood that goal. And I appreciate it!
>  | My goal was to find the hole in the spec where there is room for
>  | adding some additionnal feature to steps
>  |
>  | I was thinking there was a lot, but since all is interdependent at
>  | some point, there are few case where it still work
>  | Also I wanted to find out which was the error reported to the user if any
>  Right, but I can't see exactly what you're pressing on here:
>  |>  | Well, if I'm correct, it is said in the spec that
>  |>  | [[
>  |>  | It is a static error (err:XS0034) if the specified port is not a
>  |>  | parameter input port or if no port is specified and the step does not
>  |>  | have a primary parameter input port.
>  |>  | ]]
>  |>  | which means that we can bind a parameter port named "foo" since there
>  |>  | is no equivalent of the err:XS0012 for input parameters
>  |>  | [[
>  |>  | it is a static error (err:XS0012) if the port given does not match the
>  |>  | name of an input port specified in the step's declaration.
>  |>  | ]]
>  I was hoping you could construct an example of something that you
>  think (a) is an extensibility point we didn't intend and (b) is
>  allowed by the three errors above.

Well, I failed because we cannot declare the kind of an input binding,
which means that the hole is purely theoretic

But !

When a p:input is used in any context where it provides only a binding
(e.g., on an atomic step), it is a static error (err:XS0012) if the
port given does not match the name of an input port specified in the
step's declaration.
should use "input port" as ("input document port" or "input parameter port")


Innovimax SARL
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Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 21:00:49 UTC