Extensibility questions


I have few use cases I want to share and see the appropriate answer for

1) I want to add a PROPRIETARY NON REQUIRED option to an existing xproc step ?
2) I want to add a PROPRIETARY NON REQUIRED input port to an existing
xproc step ?
3) I want to add a PROPRIETARY NON REQUIRED parameter input port to an
existing xproc step ?
4) I want to add a PROPRIETARY NON REQUIRED output port to an existing
xproc step ?

For each one, how can I do that, and if I can't which error is thrown ?

Following is a an example for 1)

1) for example : p:count, with xmlns:my="http://my.site.com/ns/"

a) Is this valid ?
<p:count my:option="myvalue"/>

b) ..or this ?
<p:with-option name="my:option" select="'myvalue'"/>

c) ..or this ?
<p:with-option name="my:option" select="'myvalue'"/>


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Received on Saturday, 10 May 2008 21:11:56 UTC