
4.7 Atomic Steps

In addition to six step types described in the preceding sections, XProc
provides a standard library of atomic step types. The full vocabulary of
standards steps is described in Section 7, "Standard Step

All of the standard, atomic steps are invoked in the same way:

  name? = NCName>
    (p:input <> |
     p:log <>)*

Where "*pfx:atomic*" must be in the XProc namespace and must be declared in
either the standard library for the XProc version supported by the processor
or explicitly imported by the surrounding pipeline (see Section 2.11,
"Versioning Considerations"<>
 4.8 Extension Steps

Pipeline authors may also have access to additional steps not defined or
described by this specification. Atomic extension steps are invoked just
like standard steps:

  name? = NCName>
    (p:input <> |
     p:log <>)*

Even if the content is the same, the first one are in the XProc namespace,
so please do propose another name for 4.7 Atomic Steps if possible


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Received on Saturday, 3 May 2008 12:39:37 UTC