Re: An example of guaranteed proper protection against potential race conditions

[Mohamed, you've enabled some sort of HTML support in your email client
which makes your messages somewhat garbled.]

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| 1. ( ) text/plain (*) multipart/mixed [2. text/html] Interesting side
| question
| <p:pipeline type="main">
|  <p:choose>
|  <p:when test="[some property of the primary input]">
|   [expensive series of steps]
|   <p:store href="file:///home/ht/styleshe
|   ets/clever.xsl"/>
| </p:when>
| <p:otherwise>
|  <p:identity>
|   <p:input>
| <p:inline>
|  <c:result>file:///home/ht/stylesheets/clever.xsl</c:result>
| </p:inline>
|   </p:input>
|  </p:identity>
| </p:otherwise>
| </p:choose>
| <p:load name="doload">
| <p:option name="href" select="."/>
| </p:load>
| <p:xslt>
| <p:input>
|  <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/>
| </p:input>
| <p:input>
|  <p:pipe step="doload" port="result"/>
| </p:input>
| </p:xslt>
|   </p:pipeline>
| p:load has a *non primary* output port result, but p:otherwise has a

Do you mean p:store, from the p:when?

| *primary output* port called result
| It is said in 4.4 p:choose that
| [[
| if any of the subpipelines specifies a primary output port, each
| subpipeline must specify exactly the same output as primary.
| ]]
| Is the spec a bit too hard or do you need to update your example (I'm
| mixed feeling on this) ?

I think the example needs to be updated.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | In the life of saints, technically so            | called, the spiritual facilities are
                              | strong, but what gives the impression
                              | of extravagance proves usually on
                              | examination to be a relative deficiency
                              | of intellect.--William James

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 14:07:35 UTC