Re: Uncle! New alternate draft [comments on some of section 5]

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh writes:
|> | 5.1.3    "It is a static error (err:XS0023) for a p:pipe to appear in
|> |           a default binding."  Why is this necessary?  The tableau for
|> |           input declarations doesn't include p:pipe, so XS0044 does
|> |           the necessary, doesn't it?
|> 5.1.3 is in the wrong place; it should be at the end of 5.1.1.
| It still doesn't need to be said at all.  The tableau for input port
| declaration does not have a p:pipe child.

The one in 5.1.1 does!

|> Ok. But I also left in these two paragraphs because I think they make
|> an important point:
| I agree.
|> | 5.7.3    Similarly, the second para after the tableau in this section
|> |          needs to change to something like the following:
|> |
|> |          Also, retrospectively, we need to add bindings back in to the
|> |          Environment and defining *in-scope options* and *in-scope
|> |          variables* with reference thereto -- see separate message.
|> I don't think you've sent that message yet.
| No, I haven't.  Looks like being Monday now, sorry.
|> |     If a select expression is given, it is evaluated as an XPath
|> |     expression using the context defined in Section 2.6.1, Processor
|> |     XPath Context, for the surrounding step, with the addition of
|> |     variable bindings for all options whose declarations precede its
|> |     declaration in the surrounding step's _signature_.
|> |     If a select expression is given, it is evaluated as an XPath
|> |     expression using the context defined in Section 2.6.1, Processor
|> |     XPath Context, for the surrounding step, with the addition of
|> |     variable bindings for all options whose declarations precede its
|> |     declaration in the surrounding step's _signature_.
|> |
|> |     When XPath 1.0 is being used, the string value of the expression
|> |     becomes the value of the option; when XPath 2.0 is being used, the
|> |     value is an untypedAtomic.
|> I think I did the right thing. I could be wrong. :-/
| Well, you didn't include anything like
|> |     If a select expression is given, it is evaluated as an XPath
|> |     expression using the context defined in Section 2.6.1, Processor
|> |     XPath Context, for the surrounding step, with the addition of
|> |     variable bindings for all options whose declarations precede its
|> |     declaration in the surrounding step's _signature_.

Huh? It's right there in 5.7.3 between the two tableux. Isn't it?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Nature is amoral, not immoral. [It]            | existed for eons before we arrived,
                              | didn't know we were coming, and doesn't
                              | give a damn about us.--Stephen J. Gould

Received on Friday, 21 March 2008 17:21:45 UTC