http-request - some more questions 2

Hi all,

As discussed during yesterday's call, I am sending my other two
questions about p:http-request.

1. Section (Converting Response Entity Bodies) ends with the
following note:

"Given the above description, any content identified as text/html will
be base64-encoded in the c:body element, as HTML isn't always
well-formed XML. A user can attempt to convert such content into XML
using the p:unescape-markup step."

Is the note correct? I don't see why, based on the rules described in
the section, should be text/html base64 encoded.


2. Section What should be the behaviour if content-type
represents an XML type and encoding is set to base64? Should the body
content be decoded and parsed as XML? Or should this combination be an


Received on Friday, 6 June 2008 10:06:26 UTC