p:viewport cannot match PI or Comments



The match attribute specifies an XSLT match pattern. Each matching node in
the source document is wrapped in a document node and provided, one at a
time, to the viewport's subpipeline on a port named current. It is a dynamic
error (err:XD0010) if the match expression on p:viewport **matches an
attribute node**.

it will be better to say instead of "matches an attribute node", "doesn't
match an element" (since it is wrapped into a document node PI and comment
are not usable as is)

I have mixed feeling about this, but I fear we will anyway loose the ability
to match PI or Comments

Innovimax SARL
Consulting, Training & XML Development
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75020 Paris
Tel : +33 9 52 475787
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RCS Paris 488.018.631
SARL au capital de 10.000 €

Received on Friday, 25 January 2008 23:45:59 UTC