Re: Henry's proposed syntax change

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh writes:
|> | So a pipeline with a single input and output needs no port
|> | declarations.
|> Isn't this conflating two things? Couldn't we equally say that
|> <p:pipeline ...attrs...>
|>   ...content...
|> </p:pipeline>
|> is equivalent to
|> <p:declare-step ...attrs...>
|>   ...content...
|> </p:declare-step>
|> and (continue to) require that all the inputs and outputs on a
|> p:pipeline must be declared.
| We could, but I think we should take advantage of the opportunity to
| keep p:pipeline as simple as possible and _not_ have that requirement.

Quelle surprise. :-)

I probably just worry too much. To my mind, the fact that


has an input and an output port is decidedly non-obvious.
The fact that

    <p:input port="stuff"/>

has *two* input ports is downright counter-intuitive.

But I'm sure I'd get used to it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | All of us are creatures of a day; the            | rememberer and the remembered
                              | alike.--Marcus Aurelius

Received on Thursday, 3 January 2008 12:34:48 UTC