RE: exclude-inline-prefixes or ignore-inline-prefixes?

>   <p:pipeline exclude-inline-prefixes="#all">
>      ....
>       <p:group xmlns:d="my-new-namespace">
>          ....
>           <p:inline>
>              <root name="d:foo"/>
>           </p:inline>
>           ....
>       </p:group>
>       ....
>   </p:pipeline>
> Would produce:
>   <root xmlns:d="my-new-namespace" name="d:foo"/>

I am sorry if I don't see something, but how can this be so? How can the
XProc processor know (without a schema information) that the value of
root/@name is a QName and not just a literal string? If I had a pipeline
like this:

<p:pipeline exclude-inline-prefixes="#all">
    <p:group xmlns:d="my-new-namespace">
           <root name="c:the-third-letter-in-alphabet"/>
           <root name="d:the-fourth-letter-in-alphabet"/>

I would be badly surprised if I got something like this as the result: 

<root name="c:the-third-letter-in-alphabet"/>
<root xmlns:d="my-new-namespace"


Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 15:58:59 UTC