
1) In 5.8.1 Declaring atomic steps

If p:log <> or
appear in the declaration of an atomic step, they will only be used
if the atomic step is directly evaluated by the processor. They are ignored
if the step appears in a pipeline.


1.a) Please clarify the last sentence
1.b) Please explain what happen in this context (declaration of atomic
steps) when attributes amongst (@name, @psvi-required or @xpath-version)
are used ?
For example, not sure to understand what should happen, if a pipeline in
declared in p:library use  a  particular version, and the the declare-step
in  a  pipeline that reference that  library use  one, and that the
declare-step of this atomic step  use another one... ?

2) In 7.1.2 p:add-xml-base

Dandling "otherwise" ; please rewrite the "For other elements" for more

3) Please make consistent 7.2.7 p:www-form-urldecode and  7.1.17
One is output a sequence of c:param document, the other is outputing a
Since order is implementation defined, please use c:param-set for both.
Furthermore, I would add a constraint saying that no more than one c:param
with the same QName shoud be outputted in this c:param-set (it could
recalled in The c:param-set element)

4) In 7.1.17


Since the parameters port is *not* primary, any explicit
must include a port attribute with value
per the last paragraph of Section 5.7.4,


Please replace "with value p:with-param" to "with value parameters"

Innovimax SARL
Consulting, Training & XML Development
9, impasse des Orteaux
75020 Paris
Tel : +33 9 52 475787
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RCS Paris 488.018.631
SARL au capital de 10.000 €

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2008 05:56:35 UTC