Re: Editorial comments on Last Call Draft

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| s/declartion/declaration/
| s/grammer/grammar/
| s/intepret/interpret/
| s/origianl/original/
| s/resuing/reusing/
| s/specifed/specified/
| s/specifiy/specify/
| s/vlaue/value/


| In Top of the page
| # Management of iteration counting has changed. The
| p:iteration-position function was renamed to p:iteration-count and
| p:iteration-size was removed.
| s/removed/added/

Fixed. Er, actually, I just deleted all that stuff since it won't be
relevant in the next draft.

| In 2.3 Primary Inputs and Outputs
| Please add the same précaution for "source" and "result" than the
| following in 2.5 Parameters
| [[
| (If the pipeline declares an ordinary input named "parameters", the
| implicit primary parameter input port will be named "parameters1". If
| that's not available, then "parameters2", etc. until an available name
| is found.)
| ]]

I don't think that's really necessary. It's not going to matter to
anyone unless they use parameters.

| In 3 Syntax Overview
| Please add Parameter Input ports to this list
| [[
| Six kinds of things are named in XProc:
|    1. Step types,
|    2. Steps,
|    3. Input ports,
|    4. Output ports,
|    5. Options, and
|    6. Parameters
| ]]

I think of parameter input ports as a kind of input port. So I think
item 3 covers it, but if you feel strongly about it, I won't put up a
fight :-)

| In 4.1 p:pipeline
| s/his most often occurs when the it has been/his most often occurs
| when it has been/


| In 4.2 p:for-each
| Replace
| [[
| Each subtree selected by the p:for-each from each of the inputs that
| appear on the iteration source is wrapped in a document node and
| provided to the subpipeline.
| ]]
| By
| [[
| Each subtree selected by the p:iteration-source is wrapped in a
| document node and provided to the subpipeline.
| ]]


| In 4.2.1 and 4.3.1
| Please make the "Note to implementers" in bold or whatever


| In The c:parameter-set element
| Replace
| "It is a dynamic error (err:XD0014) for any unqualified attribute
| names to appear on a c:parameter element."
| by
| "It is a dynamic error (err:XD0014) for any unqualified attribute
| names to appear on a c:parameter-set element.


Thanks, Mohamed!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The effects of weakness are            | inconceivable, and more prodigious than
                              | those of the most violent
                              | passions.--Cardinal De Retz

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 13:16:59 UTC