- From: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
- Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:23:33 -0500
- To: public-xml-processing-model-wg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <m27ik24i7e.fsf@nwalsh.com>
/ Innovimax SARL <innovimax@gmail.com> was heard to say: | Ok that's why I ask for a use case (a may be more than one) to explain | where we need to generate UUID in an element ? Here's one: <p:pipeline name="main" type="px:mojo-sms" xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc" xmlns:c="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step" xmlns:px="http://xproc.org/ns/xproc/ex"> <p:option name="secret" required="yes"/> <p:option name="to" required="yes"/> <p:option name="text" required="yes"/> <p:option name="username" required="yes"/> <p:output port="result"/> <px:uuid name="uuid"/> <p:group> <p:output port="result"/> <p:option name="_gadgetkey" value="55c3c57605f377bb3232eb55b04d56f50e897e3b"/> <p:option name="_name" select="."> <p:pipe step="uuid" port="result"/> </p:option> <p:group> <p:output port="result"/> <px:sha1 name="hash"> <p:option name="value" select="concat($username,':',$_gadgetkey,':',$_name,':',$secret)"/> </px:sha1> <p:group> <p:output port="result"/> <p:option name="_digest" select="."> <p:pipe step="hash" port="result"/> </p:option> <px:form-url-encode name="body"> <p:parameter name="name" select="$_name"/> <p:parameter name="recipient" select="$to"/> <p:parameter name="text" select="$text"/> <p:parameter name="gadgetkey" select="$_gadgetkey"/> <p:parameter name="username" select="$username"/> <p:parameter name="digest" select="$_digest"/> </px:form-url-encode> <p:replace name="repl" match="c:body"> <p:input port="source"> <p:inline> <c:http-request method="post" href="http://mojo.treeho.us/messages" detailed="false"> <c:body/> </c:http-request> </p:inline> </p:input> </p:replace> <p:http-request/> </p:group> </p:group> </p:group> </p:pipeline> See http://norman.walsh.name/2007/10/18/mojo I expect there are going to be other services that require globally unique identifiers and one easy way to generate them is with a UUID. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Society is immoral and immortal; it can http://nwalsh.com/ | afford to commit any kind of folly, and | indulge in any kind of vice; it cannot | be killed, and the fragments that | survive can always laugh at the | dead.--Henry Adams
Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2007 13:23:51 UTC