Re: XProc Minutes for Technical Plenary f2f, 8/9 Nov 2007

On Nov 13, 2007 6:04 AM, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> The quoted text, including the example above, is the text _currently
> in the specification_ that I'm proposing we *delete*.

OK, I guess I got confused. This makes sense.

> Having deleted
> it, we'll be left with the consequence that p:pipeline elements must
> declare all of their inputs and all compund steps, including
> p:pipeline, must declare all of their outputs.

I like the idea of making the interface of pipelines explicit by
saying that p:pipeline must declare its inputs and outputs. But I am
not sure about the motivation for doing the same for compound steps.
Would this mean that output declarations would now become mandatory on

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Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2007 17:30:04 UTC