Re: Validate Component

Some points :

What about validation of Schema themselves ?
What about validation trough embedded information (<!DOCTYPE or
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation) ?

On 1/31/07, Alex Milowski <> wrote:
> Name: [p:]validate
> Description:
> The validate component runs some form of schema validation assessment on
> a document.  It operates in one of two modes:  assertion or annotation.  In
> the
> assertion mode, a document must be valid or the component fails.  In
> annotation
> mode, the schema validation is run and the results may be contributed to
> the data model.  The default mode is 'assertion'.
> The document(s) on the 'schema' port may be specified in four ways:
>    * a single schema document that should be used to validate the
>      document.
>    * a sequence of schema documents that, as a collection, are
>      considered the set of "known" schema documents.
>     * a single document containing a catalog of namespaces and
>      schema locations.
>    * an external catalog of implementation defined schema definitions.
> It is an error if the schema language is not recognized or if the language
> parameter does not match the schema language used by the
> schema documents on the 'schema' port.
> A catalog of namespaces can be specified by the following vocabulary
> element:
> <c:schema-set>
>    <c:schema namespace="xs:anyURI" href="xs:anyURI"/>*
> </c:schema-set>
> An implementation my choose whether or not to support any particular
> schema language.
> [ed. note: I would like to say the XML Schema 1.0 is required.  Another
>   option is to say something is required but there is no specific language
>   required.  That would be non-interoperable but support implementors
>   who only want to do a particular schema language ( e.g. RelaxNG vs
>   XML Schema). ]
> Inputs:
>    source:  A single document
>       The document to validate.
>    schema:  A sequence of documents.
>       A representation of the schema.
> Outputs:
>    result:  A single document
>        The validate document
> Parameters:
>    mode: optional
>       Specifies the validation mode and must be either 'assertion' or
>       'annotation'.
>    language: optional
>       A URI value indicating the schema language that is expected.
> --
> --Alex Milowski
> "The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
> inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language
> considered."
> Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

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Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2007 21:26:56 UTC