Re: choose/when

On 24 Jan 2007, at 10:04 , Norman Walsh wrote:

> The last time we talked about this at a telcon, the minutes[1] record
> three options:
> 1. The status quo:...
> 2. A nested context with test on the when:...
> 3. A nested context with test on the context:...

> It seems to me that one problem with option 3 is that it requires the
> user to provide the xpath-context element in each and every when in
> order to have a place to hang the test attribute.
> On that basis, I think the real choice is between options 1 and 2
> unless someone has a third option that I've forgotten to list.

Structurally, the XML is simpler in the status quo, right?
And the status quo avoids overloading the term "context",
which elsewhere means "the sets of visible input ports,
output ports, and parameters", with the meaning "the sole
input port".

So unless someone can explain to me in terms I understand
why we should prefer 2, I'm for the status quo.


Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 15:53:39 UTC