Re: Graphical proposal

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| Is it possible to make the <p:option> declaration in bold in the
| signature, where it is required (as you do for attribute in the rest
| of the spec) ?

I tried several different approaches. If you look at the version I
published this morning, you'll see the one that seemed best to my
eyes. Suggestions welcome.

Also, for those of you using the site navigation[1] toolbar in Firefox
or similar features in your browser of choice, there are now a whole
bunch of site navigation links in the spec. Essentially direct access
to the sections, subsections, and steps. Man, is *that* an

                                        Be seeing you,


Norman Walsh <> | If man were never to fade away like the            | dews of Adashino, never to vanish like
                              | the smoke over Toribeyama, but lingered
                              | on forever in the world, how things
                              | would lose their power to move us! The
                              | most precious thing in life is its
                              | uncertainty.--Yoshida Kenko

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2007 12:49:52 UTC