Re: Comments on August 22 editors' draft from section 4.3 through 7 intro

Norman Walsh wrote:
> / (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
> | Norman Walsh writes:
> |> | 5.11
> |> |
> |> |  I'm unhappy with a perhaps-unintended consequence of the way output
> |> |  ports on compound steps are handled here.  Seems to me this is a
> |> |  perfectly good p:for-each:
> |> |
> |> |   <p:for-each name="saveThem">
> |> |
> |> |    <p:output port="result">
> |> |     <p:pipe step="saveThem" port="current"/>
> |> |    </p:output>
> |>
> |> That makes my brain hurt. Output ports bind to step outputs. If you
> |> want that, stick in p:identity step that reads the input and produces
> |> an output.
> |
> | Sigh -- I don't see why we should treat these specially, but I don't
> | suppose it makes much difference.  If no-one else cares, I'll let this
> | go.
> I didn't think we *were* treating them specially. It seems to me
> that allowing an output port to be bound to an input port *would be*
> treating it specially. I'm confused.

I'm with Henry, FWIW. From within a compound step, its inputs are 
*sources* and its outputs are *sinks*. A source should be able to pipe 
to any sink (and vice versa: a sink should be able to take any source). 
Disallowing an input to pipe straight to an output seems like special 
casing to me.


Jeni Tennison

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2007 18:19:17 UTC