Re: http-request

On 8/27/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> | 7.1.9 HTTP Request
> [...]
> |    The HTTP Request step provides interactions with resources identified by
> |    URIs over HTTP or HTTPS. The input document provided on the source port
> I suggest we delete "over HTTP or HTTPS". Yes, the step is called
> http-request, but I don't see any reason to forbid an implementation
> From supporting URIs of some other scheme.

I was trying to make the language inclusive in that that "https" needs to
be allowed.  Certainly an implementation that can't (or won't) handle the
"https" protocol should be allowed to exist but implementations that can
shouldn't be forbidden just because we chose to call this step "http-request"
and not "http-et-al-request"! :)

> |    specifies the request by a single c:http-request element. This element
> |    specifies the method, resource, and other request properties as well as
> |    possibly including an entity body (content) for the request.
> |
> |    When the request is formulated, the step and/or protocol implementation
> |    may add headers as necessary to either complete the request or as
> |    appropriate for the content specified (e.g. transfer encodings). A user of
> |    this step is guaranteed that their requested headers and content will be
> |    sent with the exception of any conflicts with protocol-related headers. If
> |    the user of the step requests a header value (e.g. content-type) that
> |    conflicts with a value the step and/or protocol implementation must set,
> |    the step will fail.
> Do we want to fail, or just use the "right" values?

I'd rather that it fail because the request by the user/author can't be
honored and they should fix it.

> |    If the username attribute is specified, the username, password,
> I think this prose needs to be moved down into, it's very
> confusing here.

OK.  I'll take a look.

--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2007 04:37:53 UTC