Re: Remarks on W3C Editor's Draft 6 August 2007

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| On Err
| Please correct
| [[
| <c:errors xmlns:err="">
|   <c:error name="xform" type="p:xslt"
|              href="style.xsl" line="6">This stylesheet is
| <emph>pointless</emph>.</c:error>
| </c:errors>
| ]]
| to
| [[
| <c:errors xmlns:c="">
|   <c:error name="xform" type="p:xslt"
|              href="style.xsl" line="6">This stylesheet is
| <emph>pointless</emph>.</c:error>
| </c:errors>
| ]]

Good catch, thanks!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth            | keeps turning round and gets nowhere.
                              | The moment is the only thing that
                              | counts.--Jean Cocteau

Received on Friday, 10 August 2007 19:13:21 UTC