Re: Defaulting pipeline inputs and outputs

On 8/9/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> Also on the 9 Aug 2007 call, Mohamed asked us to reconsider our
> decision to support defaulted input and output ports on p:pipeline so
> that this sort of pipeline is valid:
>   <p:pipeline xmlns:p="...">
>     <p:identity/>
>   <p:pipeline>
> We didn't get to that item either, but I'm anxious to see what we can
> closed.
> We did discuss this in a previous call and the status quo is that this
> is legal.
> Does anyone else want to revisit that decision?
> (Mohamed, this is your queue to explain why you think we've made a
> mistake ;-)
Well, I take on :)

I think that even if the idea was appealing, the big business of
implicit inputs and outputs looks to me as a feature

I would like at least that for V1, the pipeline explicitly declares
its inputs and ouputs (note that I'm talking about I/O of the pipeline

Let's give some troubling example


what is supposed this one to be equivalent to ?
How many implicit inputs are generated ?

Now that we have parameter ports it seems more and more unlikely to be
fully manageable by users (may I recall than nothing forbid an input
of kind="document" to be connected to an input of kind="parameter"

And what about :
  <p:split-sequence test="position() mod 2 = 1"/>

I think that such shortcut seem very appealing but are going to make
verification very tortuous


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Received on Thursday, 9 August 2007 19:24:28 UTC