Re: More defaulting

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| On 4/24/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> Consider:
|> <p:serialize>
|>   <p:option name="href" value="/tmp/out.xml"/>
|>   <p:option name="method" value="html"/>
|> </p:serialize>
|> I wonder if we should allow that to be written as:
|> <p:serialize href="/tmp/out.xml" method="html"/>
| I would love to be able to do that!!!
| I wonder if we should also allow
|>   <p:option name="href" value="/tmp/out.xml"/>
|> to be expressed as
|>   <p:option href="/tmp/out.xml"/>
| Yes.
| I have mixed feelings about both of these, but I find myself doing the
|> latter by accident sometimes and wishing for the former. Now that we
|> have options and parameters clearly distinct, it doesn't seem totally
|> unreasonable to do this.
|> In both cases, I would expect the attribute values to be taken literally.
|> If you want a select, you have to do it the long way:
|>   <p:option name="href" select="concat($basedir,'foo.html')"/>
| Sure.

Everyone else, please weigh in!

| BTW, what is the 'p:serialize' step ?  Do you mean 'p:store' or your
| proposed
| XSLT 2.0 serialization step ?

I'm not sure. I consider the whole nexus of names around
parse/store/serialize/escape-markup/unescape-markup to be
up in the air.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | If God created us in his own image, we            | have more than reciprocated.-- Voltaire

Received on Sunday, 29 April 2007 21:41:57 UTC