Step errors

We have established error codes for static and dynamic pipeline
errors, but what do we expect implementors to do with the errors that
come from a step.

Consider XInclude, there are at least three ways it can fail:

1. Malformed xi:include element
2. Resource error with no fallback
3. Circular inclusion

When the XInclude step fails, what error code should it raise? Do we
want to have a generic "step failed" error code? On the one hand, more
information would be nice, on the other, getting interoperable error
codes for all steps seems hopeless.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Whatever else we are intended to do, we            | are not intended to succeed: failure is
                              | the fate allotted.--Robert Louis
                              | Stevenson

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 11:42:47 UTC