standard components edits

I've made the following edits:

* Added secondary port to xslt & xslt2
* Made all micro-ops required
* Replaced 'component' with 'step'.
* Made sure all options were called 'option' in the text.
* Removed 'join-sequences'
* Made 'at-start' option not required.

I still have:

* add order selection to subsequence (p:position variable and
  last option)
* Add support for non-XML relax syntax
* Expand http-request definition
* Define query input for XQuery

I'm having trouble getting a good copy of the spec produced... stylesheet
woes.  Hopefully Norm can update the spec before our call tomorrow.

--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Thursday, 12 April 2007 04:44:32 UTC