Re: Publication Request: XProc on 5 April 2007

/ Jean-Guilhem Rouel <> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh a écrit :
|> / Jean-Guilhem Rouel <> was heard to say:
|> | The document is almost ready, though the namespace checker [1] reports
|> | a few errors:
|> |
|> | (6 occurrences)
|> |     -> 404 (Not Found)
|> Please copy
|> for this namespace document.
|> | (3 occurrences)
|> |     -> 404 (Not Found)
|> Please copy
|> for this namespace document. We'll improve their content for the
|> next round of publication :-)
| There are a few issues in both documents. They should not look as WDs.
| So here are some suggestions:
| * use base.css rather than wd.css
| * remove "W3C Working Draft....." (the whole h2)
| * remove the entire This version <dl> (which has broken links, btw)
| * Sign them at the bottom rather than the top
| * put copyright at bottom not top
| A sample of what these documents should like is the xhtml ns [1]
| Would you please make those changes?

Yes. Done. Sorry about that.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 14:09:50 UTC